Tis the Season
A Very Ryan Christmas!

You Better Watch Out!
Ryan Simmons
is coming to town
Wednesday, December 17th 7:oopm

Do you ever find yourself dreaming of a white Christmas?
Do visions of sugar plums ever dance through your head?
Do you hear what I hear?

If so, then


Have I got some Glad Tidings of Great Ry for You!
Back by popular demand,
Ryan Simmons is bringing his Holiday Jollies
to New York City!

What Child is this?
Ryan Simmons.

Does he see me when I'm sleeping?

When is this Silent Night?
Wednesday, Dec. 17th at 7pm
(And it will not be silent. It will be Holy.)

Oh HOLY Night, excuse me.

158 W 72nd (btwn Broadway and Columbus)
How much?
New Recession Special Price!
$12 dollars + 2 drink minimum
cash only

For Whom?
Kids from 1 to 92
(must be 21 or older to enter)

Remember last time when Ryan's show was sold out?
Dozens where turned away at the door.
Don't let this happen to you! Reserve your tickets TODAY!
(or at the theatre on the night of if you want to risk it)
It's beginning to look alot like
This show will Sell Out!

So, come all ye faithful
witness the Miracle on 72nd street!
Here's what the critics are already saying:
"This lord's a leaping!"
"You're a lean one, Mr. Simmons."
"Ryan Simmons is an Abominable Showman."

And as an added bonus
at this performance there will be a special apperance by

The Terrycloth Players

in an original musical
The Love Story of
Joseph + Mary:
I've Got a Creche on You!

It is sure to be the Second Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

Have Yourself a Merry Little Cabaret
and come enjoy in the Ryan-deer Games!
There'll be much mistletoe-ing
And hearts will be glowing.
So why not?

I triple-dog-dare you not to come!